Logezy Manager Mobile App

04.11.20 10:18 AM By Avarniya

Logezy Manager App

Logezy Manager App- Anytime, Anywhere 24x7
We announce the launch of the Logezy Manager Mobile App for Temporary Recruitment & Nursing Agencies.

Our Manager Mobile App is designed to help you take your work with you wherever you may be. As the owner of a Recruitment or Nursing Agency, you no longer need to be tied to your desktop computer or laptop to manage your daily tasks such as assigning shifts or publishing vacancies.

The new Manager Mobile App gives you complete control while booking your staff even when you do not have access to your desktop computer.

Our Manager App is a game-changer when it comes to enabling productivity for Key Managers and Owners of Recruitment & Nursing Agencies. You may be away traveling without your laptop, on a holiday, or even in the middle of your daily commute, but now you can control all critical business functions such as assigning shifts, publishing vacancies and viewing candidate lists right from your mobile phone.

The Logezy Manager Mobile App interface is designed for a positive user experience and convenience for quick and easy access to important business functions.

Yes! now it's possible to book your staff directly from your mobile phone without the need for your personal computer. Scheduling has never been better! You could be away from your temporary recruitment solution on your desktop but never again miss your staff bookings.

At Logezy it's always been about making your life easier, helping you improve your productivity wherever you are.

Logezy! Anytime, Anywhere 24x7
